Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Who is excited to see the budget today?  The president is letting it fly and then we get to see it crash and burn.  One thing he is doing is reducing social security.  They are going to reduce the cost of living raises they call CPI.  Now I would love to see social security change and even see it go away and allow people to decide how to plan for their future themselves. But, the people targeted are the elderly.  The older you are, the more you lose.  If you are 80 you lose 5.1%, if you are 85 you lose 6.5%, 90 you lose 7.9%, and 95 you lose 9.2% of your yearly income.  Seems fair right?  You worked your entire life and because you have lived longer than they really expected you to they have decided that you are getting too much of your money back.  Now before you jump on democrats remember that republicans like this too.  I guess the thinking is that if you are 90, you can still get a job to make up for the loss of income.  Or is the thinking more along the lines of PLEASE DIE ALREADY?  I do not know the thinking behind attacking the ones who have paid for so long and so much.

I have not seen the budget yet but I am certain there will be hundreds of billions of dollars designated as aid. This aid will go to foreign countries who will in turn waste it.  At least we can feel good about ourselves for doing good deeds globally and squatting on the ones who were considered the "greatest generation."  I am sure there will be money designated to companies like Planned Parenthood, Bank of America, and  any of the green auto companies that will file bankruptcy after cashing the check.  We will also see increased spending with absolutely no concern for a debt that is creating daily interest costs that are more than several countries spend in a full year.  We will see several new programs which allow people to continue to do nothing and be rewarded or as they call it, stimulate the economy.

Now to the best part of what I expect to see today.  More taxes!  Alright that is just what we need.  I am not sure how we can justify adding more government spending without bringing in more revenue.  That makes sense does it not?  The problem is that we are taxed unfairly as is.  Taxes are unfair because 50% of the country pays 100% of the taxes.  There are millions of people who reap the benefits of the social safety net that pays for their homes, food, bills, and other activities but, they pay zero taxes.  The new budget is going to say they are not raising taxes, they are only closing loopholes that the wealthy take advantage of.  I am not sure how that is not raising taxes because by closing the loopholes, these people will pay more taxes. You figure that one out on your own.

If this administration was serious about fixing this country one would suggest a different approach.  I would suggest looking at cutting spending to only programs and aid that is a bare necessity.  We must take care of our seniors and I think we need to take care of the unfortunate with different programs that do not encourage a lifetime of dependency.  We must eliminate the wasteful spending such as ridiculous commercials being produced by government agencies such as the IRS or EPA.   How about we do not allow the president to campaign for candidates running for other offices on taxpayer money?  While fundraising, the group or party pays for the event but we the taxpayer brunt the cost of air force 1, secret service, and the salary of the president.  There are many forms of wasteful spending in Washington D.C. and while I have opinions on where and what to cut, the simple truth is that there is so much we would all agree needs to stop.

I look forward to seeing this budget this afternoon.  It is only two months late so my anticipation is absolutely maxed out.  The good news is it will not let me down because I have poor expectations of it. Until Washington recognizes that the problems in this country are because of government out of control in so many areas, we will continue to pile up the I OWE YOU'S and make life for our children and grandchildren much more difficult.  Washington needs an overhaul.  We need to reduce the size and power of the federal government and return the country to the people.  Give the states power to choose how best to care for their citizens by allowing the local governments work up.  Allow people to make their own decisions, good or bad.  Government has proven one thing throughout history, the more powerful it becomes, people are ignored, and eventually it turns into a snake that eats itself.  Let's get back to the republic we were intended to be.  

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