Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why Republicans and Libertarians Should Team Up

Rand Paul pioneered an epic filibuster on the senate floor which lasted thirteen hours and received praise from republicans and libertarians, even some Hollywood progressives like John Cusack.  Senator Paul who is the son of the former congressman Ron Paul, took over the senate and social media that day.The hashtag #StandwithRand was the number one trending topic on Twitter at one point.  The filibuster started due to the Obama administration's refusal to give a simple answer on whether they felt it was constitutional to use a drone aircraft to assassinate an American citizen on American soil.  All Americans, I think, could answer that question within thirty seconds. The old republican guard who were at the time having dinner with the president, decided it was a good idea to chastise the senator the very next day.  In a time were the republican party has suffered embarrassing defeats in the last two presidential elections and have an issue relating to minorities and young voters due to the poor policies of the "W" administration and poor communication. Was it a wise idea to speak out against the liberty minded conservative senator from Kentucky?  According to Facebook and Twitter, that answer is no!

The Libertarian movement has been growing for years and now it has really hit the field running.  Especially in the minds of young people.  During the 2012 Republican Primaries, congressman Ron Paul seemed to harness an unbelievable following on college campuses and around the country.  Odd considering he was the oldest of all the candidates.  He did this with the message of liberty.  Ron Paul's rallies throughout the campaign trail looked more like the crowds of a Bon Jovi concert during the 1980's!  Thousands of young, eager, and politically aware men and women who were passionate about the ending the federal reserve, ending the wars, and regaining personal liberties.  The young people flocked to Dr. Paul not only for his message, but most importantly; his consistency on the issues.  That seems to be what most politicians have problems with today.  Youtube has exposed flip floppers like PETA exposes nude women to save geese.

The original Republican party had the belief of limited government and over the years since, the very ideas which they preach are not being implemented.  That is one of the reasons we have seen the party lose much support from young people today.  The leadership of the Republican party this century has spent money faster than Ben Bernanke can print it, created an aggressive foreign policy that includes nation building and war, and has radically violated personal liberties.  This created a hatred for the party in the eyes of several and when a clever wordsmith from Chicago made promises of hope and change many jumped on board.  Now we see the bad decisions republicans made under president Bush have been injected with HGH and steroids, somehow going on a second term too.  The republicans are in need of a complete makeover according to many, but the truth is that they really need to return to the ideas of the beginning of the party.  You know the party who ended slavery because they believed that all men are created equal.  The party who said,"Free soil, free silver, and free men."

The Libertarian Party has refueled these ideas.  The idea of limited government and personal freedoms.   While there are several differences between the Libertarian Party and the Republican Party platforms, the fact is that both parties share a lot more principles then they disagree on.  Both parties are interested in limiting the role of government, reducing the deficit, and both definitely disagree with the democrat's progressive and almost communist policies.  Now is the time for the republicans to quit calling libertarians isolationist potheads and realize that they legitimately want a small responsible government who will abide the constitution and stay out of our personal lives.  I think it is time for the two parties to push out the old RINO's who seem to agree on more invasion of privacy, loss of liberty in turn for false security, and bully the rest of the world.  The young people of this country are realizing that their future is going be spent paying high taxes in order to repay debts used to rebuild countries we bombed, wondering if a drone is hovering overhead recording what they say or worse, and limited in what choices they are going to be able to make for themselves.

A Libertarian Republican candidate who has support from both sides can be the next president and the country will improve.  The young Libertarians who wave the bill of rights and the fiscally conservative republicans can agree.  They can recharge the nation with core principles of the founders.  Just remember, freedom is a very cool thing and with free markets and free people, a free nation will flourish.  It did in the past and it will again.  Let's only hope this happens soon.

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